Neyius Energy Chief Reflects on Volunteering

I recently had the opportunity to spend some time volunteering in Bangladesh; through Courtney Jordan Foundation, and it was an experience that I will never forget.

Bangladesh is a beautiful country with a rich culture and a vibrant history. It is also a country that faces a number of challenges, including poverty, pollution, and political instability.

As a volunteer, I had the chance to work on the ground with the Courtney Jordan Foundation to address these challenges and make a positive impact in the lives of people in Bangladesh.

One of the people I came to know was MD. Jannatul worked with him on building his business plan and being able to hear his plans to provide a proper medical clinic to the underserved communities in the countryside. I spent my days working with Courtney Jordan Foundation staff, helping to provide basic research and forming partnerships; that will enable his clinic to become a success, and assisting with administrative tasks.

While working with MD. Jannatul, I was struck by the resilience and determination of the people I met. Despite facing many challenges, they remained optimistic and were always willing to help one another. It was a humbling experience, and it reminded me of the importance of working together to make a difference.

In addition to my work with the budding clinic, I also had the opportunity to visit some of the country’s most beautiful and historic sites. From the beaches of Cox’s Bazar to the ancient ruins of Paharpur, I was constantly amazed by the beauty and diversity of Bangladesh.

I will forever cherish my time volunteering in Bangladesh. It was an incredibly rewarding experience, one I will never forget. I met some amazing people, saw some incredible sights, and had the chance to make a small difference in the lives of others. I am grateful for the opportunity, and I hope to have the chance to return in the future.

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