CJF America

An essential element of the best outreach programs is empowering those you serve.

Mackenzie Robinson, EVP of Philanthropy and Corporate Citzenship, Neyius

The Americas

The American branch of The Courtney Jordan Foundation, CJF America, was reestablished in 2022. With an annual budget of $70 million, including $50 million invested in our controlled fund, CJF America is steered by Kristen Picot, who serves as both the President of CJF America and the Managing Partner of the StartUP Fund. As a dynamic extension of The Courtney Jordan Foundation, we are dedicated to igniting positive change and progress throughout North America. Our mission is to nurture economic empowerment, cultivate educational opportunities, and pave the way for brighter, more prosperous tomorrows in communities near and far. Come, join us on this transformative journey as we strive to make hope, opportunity, and empowerment accessible to all. For More information please visit the Branch Website at: CJFAmerica.org

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